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WRITE your story. TELL your story.


Posted on May 10 2016

When most people see our name, they can generally draw the conclusion between WRITTEN Apparel and the fact that we specialize in pencil skirts…WRITTEN…pencil…get it? Was that intentional? Absolutely! Aside from that, the meaning behind the name means so much more than the surface correlation.

First, let’s take it back to the late 80’s. As a little girl at that time, I was always playing with paper dolls. Many young girls did and still do this but the difference was that I wasn’t using the paper dresses that came with the dolls; rather, I was sketching and drawing my own. This has become the perfect metaphor for me and the WRITTEN brand. At a young age, I was breaking the mold and creating things my way and as the Founder of WRITTEN, I am doing the same.

I grew up in Iowa. Some know it as the home of the Field of Dreams, RAGBRAI, an important decision maker come election time, and others may not think much of our Midwestern culture. Whatever your perspective, you’ll notice fashion is certainly not a part of the conversation. I never thought much about this until I decided I wanted to launch my own clothing line. The decision to follow my dream was easy, but intentionally pursing my passion with an Iowa home base would prove to be more of a challenge than I knew. Luckily for the world, I’m always up for a challenge.

Setting out to launch WRITTEN became not just about me following my dream, but also about writing a story that hadn’t been told and putting forth the pages for others to read. A quote by Toni Morrison sums it up well, “If there’s a story that you want to read and it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it.”

As the Founder of WRITTEN, I’m not simply designing beautiful pencil skirts for women around the globe, but I am paving a path for others in Iowa to design, create, and be a part of the fashion industry. I’m letting them know, they too can be part of the story. This idea extends to the WRITTEN wearer, just the same. The woman who wears a WRITTEN pencil skirt is strong, independent, and a trailblazer for others. She seeks out her dreams and makes them happen.

“Write your story. Tell your story. Be your story.” The meaning behind the WRITTEN tagline is simple. The WRITTEN woman leads and is the author of her own story.  She’s not worried about the noise while pursuing her goals. She tells her story not with boisterous behavior but through how she dresses and expresses herself. To become her story, she lives and breathes her beliefs, stays true to herself, and is unapologetic in staying, and steering, her course.




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