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WRITE your story. TELL your story.

A Look Into The World’s Greatest Accidental Masterpieces

Posted on June 12 2017

Isn’t it strange how works of art – the world’s greatest masterpieces even – can be created completely by accident?

Artists often blindly draw, make or write, simply because it makes their heart happy. They pay little thought to whether people will like it, if it will sell well or receive praise. They do it for nothing other than the joy it brings.

But sometimes those creative accidents turn into accidental masterpieces; having a wide ripple effect while impacting and inspiring countless numbers of people.

Thus, the story behind our new WRITTEN Woman triblend t-shirt design.



A couple months ago, Emily (Founder of WRITTEN) was doing some sketching for another project she was working on. One sketch in particular took her all of 30 seconds on a dry erase board. This sketch was completely random and not linked to her current project.

After Emily innocently posted a picture of the sketch on Instagram, she was met with endless requests from fans pleading for it to be made into a t-shirt design.



In any business – it’s vital to listen to your customer’s needs and wants, so naturally Emily put her sketch into production and the rest is history.

Our WRITTEN Woman triblend t-shirt isn’t alone when it comes to accidental masterpieces:

Did you know that Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland was made up by Carroll ad-libbing on the spot, to entertain one of his young female friends? Little did he know he was creating what would become one of the most beloved works of children’s literature of all time.

Australian artist Del Kathryn Barton’s blotting tissues, which she used to dab excess water and paint between brush strokes, became accidental masterpieces in their own right. Her former assistant Tim Moore found beauty in these discarded scraps and rescued them from the trash to produce a stunning collection of colorful pieces.


 A Clockwork Orange was a novel written by Anthony Burgess in just three weeks for quick cash. The book was poorly received by critics and the public, and faced much criticism over the years. However, despite the public backlash, both the film and book have racked up awards and achieved cult status.

Even the complete works of Shakespeare – which were written with a ton of made-up words and were never even submitted for publication by Shakespeare (because he was merely writing for the joy it brought him and not for the fame) – are still widely read and performed today, 400 years after his death. Little did he know that his work would create an everlasting legacy, transcending generation after generation.

The moral of the story?

Create simply for the sake of creating. Don’t wait until you’re inspired or until you stumble on what you believe will be your biggest success. Don’t do it for the fame or fortune you think it might bring.

Do what you love today because it makes you happy. Because when people see your passion and true spirit, they get to glimpse through the window of your soul. The place where true magic and genius happens…and maybe an accidental masterpiece or two.

Who knows what you might create!



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